Looking for something unique and affordable?

Welcome to our World of Wonderful where you can expect to discover a little purse handmade from scratch or revamped glassware, come on in to uncover your wonderful.


After many years of setting up stalls at the local environmental fairs, we would like to sell our wares to a wider community.  The goal of this site is to create a sort of online craft fair where you can find a multitude of hand crafted goods with ranges of wooden and slate plaques with hand drawn designs, pictures to brighten your home along with hair bows, head bands and purses for the little ladies. 

Take a look at the product pages and you might spot that little something that takes your fancy.  More items are being added all the time so remember to look back often.

The site will also open up to other creators in the near future, providing a simple platform to showcase and sell their work.